8 Ways to Fight Depression

Top 8 Ways to Fight Depression

Depression is a painful and devitalizing feeling affecting about 10% of the American adult population yearly. It has caused many work losses, family disputes, low productivity, and misery, affecting the victim and those around them. Many people might consider counseling and medication to quicken the recovery process.

However, there are also holistic approaches other than medication you can use to combat symptoms of depression. Here are eight ways a person can self-help or Fight Depression.

8 Ways to Fight Depression

1.  Eat Smart

There are many diets and nutrition worldwide, but none is specified for depression. However, a diet containing Vitamin B-12 and Omega 3 fatty acids can help reduce symptoms. There are links between diet and depression. A healthy diet keeps the body fit and attractive, improving self-esteem—meanwhile, an unhealthy diet worsens depression and negative perception.

You can harness Vitamin B-12 from nuts and vegetables, while Omega 3 is extracted from fish like tuna and salmon. Also, one can use supplements to complete the diet. Other low-fat carbohydrates can increase the level of serotonin, like popcorn, whole grain pasta, and potatoes. The hormone regulates mood swings like well-being, calmness, and happiness. In addition, you can take a diet low in caffeine. Eating smart also makes us feel good about ourselves and our food choices.

2.  Use delta 9 Products

Delta 9 products are getting popular in Fight Depression. The chemical substance bonds with the nervous or immune system to fight depression. The bond can improve mood and reduce stress and anxiety, which are the primary cause of depression. In addition, the chemical bonds with the body’s endocannabinoid system mitigate stress levels.

These products come in different forms, such as terpenes, oil, flowers, bath bombs, etc. However, the full benefits of the compound on depression is still an ongoing project. But anecdotal evidence proves that delta 9 products are suitable for Fight Depression. Moreover, you can get reliable products from a company, click here to find more about D9 and other trustworthy firms.

3.  Exercise

Exercise may not be on the agenda of a depressed person, but it helps improve mood. Research on exercise shows that the activity effectively combats major depression by increasing the release of endorphins and improving mood. You can start with a slow walk or swim twice a week to more intense numbers.

A 2018 study focuses on the benefits of exercise in reducing depression for patients in therapy and antidepressant medication. The result concluded that 75% of the patients experienced fewer signs or complete remission of depression because they exercised, while the remaining 25% who did not exercise felt worse. In addition, staying active improves biomarkers of depression and reduces sleep deprivation.

8 Ways to Fight Depression

Photo by Nathan Cowley: 

4 Get outside

Research in 2013 focused on how nature can help depressed patients manage symptoms and improve mental health. Nature can fight depression because of the presence of sunlight which increases Vitamin D and serotonin levels. The study concluded that patients outside in nature experience improved moods compared to those walking in urban areas. In urban areas, many distracting factors like noise, traffic, and advertisement lead to stress. The easiest way to combat it is to be in nature and enjoy its therapeutic effects. You can enjoy the outdoors by;

  • Picnicking in the park or garden
  • Having outdoor time weekly
  • Exercising outside rather than in the gym
  • Socializing outside — by walking or exploring a park trail with a friend rather than having coffee
  • Consider gardening, hiking, or skating

5. Journal regularly

In a journal, you can write down your stressful experiences, with your positive and negative thoughts. This act may reduce depression. A study carried out for 12 weeks concluded that participants that express their pain through journal faces reduce distress, stress, anxiety, and resilience. There were also fewer occurrences of depression when constantly journaling. A journal does not have a specific format for you to follow. You can get a notebook and write what comes to mind, create your pattern, or use some online.

6. Snooze or lose

If you intend to have the best zzz at night, avoid exercise, screen time, or TV before bed. Instead, practice sleeping 7 to 9 hours each night to reduce depression by fighting stress. In addition, sufficient rest improves mood. Not having adequate rest can worsen depression symptoms making it difficult to socialize, exercise or manage stress. Unfortunately, many depressed people suffer from sleep deprivation — they sleep too much or less. To mitigate depression, ensure you go to bed at the right time on a regular schedule.

7. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness has many benefits; one is improving mood and reducing stress and anxiety. You can practice mindfulness by taking a walk or note of nature, journaling, listening to music, or monitoring your breathing. Another way to improve mindfulness is to combine it with yoga. Finally, mindfulness is being aware of the present instead of channeling your energy to worries of the past or future. Mindfulness is easy to start, but if you’re finding it challenging, there are apps to help.

Research in 2019 shows that practicing mindfulness Fight Depression and anxiety. In addition, mindfulness is combined with CBT in mindfulness-based cognitive therapy to boost the effect of lowering depressive episodes and recurrence. 

8. Get Help

The last option is to get professional help. You can visit a mental health professional or therapist to assist you in managing depression. The treatment involves adjusting your lifestyle to reduce stress and cope with stressors. In addition, the treatment will improve self-esteem by encouraging positive instead of negative thoughts.

8 Ways to Fight Depression

Photo by Inzmam Khan:


You can treat depression, and many people have recovered from depressive episodes by involving lifestyle changes, therapy, medication, and coping mechanisms. However, you must see a doctor if the symptoms persist for more than two weeks.

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Written by Healthcaresu

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