Guide to Irish Pub Etiquette

A Guide to Irish Pub Etiquette: Do’s and Don’ts

Irish pubs are famed for their warm atmosphere, friendly locals, and lively conversations. Whether you’re a local or a visitor from abroad, understanding the nuances of Irish pub etiquette can enhance your experience and ensure you make a good impression. This guide will walk you through the essential do’s and don’ts of Irish pub etiquette.

Understanding the Irish Pub Atmosphere

Irish pubs are more than just places to grab a drink—they’re social hubs where people come together to relax, chat, and enjoy themselves. The ambiance is typically casual and welcoming, but there are still certain norms and behaviours that are appreciated. Being aware of these can help you blend in and enjoy your time to the fullest.

The Do’s of Irish Pub Etiquette

Order at the Bar

In most Irish pubs, it’s customary to order drinks at the bar rather than having them served at the table. When ordering, be polite and make eye contact with the bartender. If it’s a busy night, wait patiently for your turn and don’t be shy to ask for help if needed.

Respect the Bar Staff

Bartenders in Irish pubs often work long hours and deal with a high volume of customers. Showing respect and gratitude for their service is essential. A friendly smile and a thank you can go a long way. Additionally, it’s polite to leave a tip—typically around 10-15% of the total bill, depending on the level of service.

Engage in Conversation

Irish pubs are known for their social atmosphere. Don’t be afraid to strike up a conversation with locals or fellow patrons. Irish people are generally friendly and open to chatting, especially if you show genuine interest in their stories or local customs. However, always approach conversations with respect and avoid controversial topics.

Enjoy the Music

Live music is a staple of many Irish pubs. If there’s a band or musician performing, show your appreciation by listening attentively and clapping after songs. If you’re a musician yourself, feel free to join in if invited, but be mindful of the performance and avoid interrupting.

Mind Your Volume

While Irish pubs can be lively, it’s important to maintain a respectful volume level, especially if there are other patrons trying to enjoy a quieter evening. Be considerate of others around you, and avoid shouting or creating excessive noise.

Follow the Queue

If you’re waiting to be served at the bar, it’s crucial to follow the queue system. This means waiting your turn patiently and not pushing ahead of others. If you’re unsure about where to stand, observe the locals and follow their lead.

The Don’ts of Irish Pub Etiquette

Don’t Overindulge

While it’s perfectly fine to enjoy a few drinks, excessive drinking is frowned upon. Overindulging can lead to disruptive behaviour, which is not in keeping with the pub’s friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Know your limits and drink responsibly.

Avoid Being Rude or Aggressive

Irish pubs are places of conviviality and warmth. Being rude or aggressive towards others, including the bar staff, is highly unacceptable. If you have any issues or complaints, address them politely and calmly.

Don’t Skip the Tab

When it’s time to settle up, make sure to pay your bill promptly. Skipping the tab or trying to avoid payment is not only dishonest but also damaging to the pub’s reputation. If you’re in a group, ensure that everyone contributes their fair share.

Avoid Inappropriate Behavior

Certain behaviours are considered inappropriate in Irish pubs. This includes making overly loud or inappropriate comments, engaging in physical altercations, or disrupting the general enjoyment of others. Respect the social norms and keep your behaviour in check.

Don’t Ignore Local Customs

Every pub might have its own set of local customs and practices. Ignoring these can come off as disrespectful. Take a moment to observe and follow the customs of the pub you’re in, whether it’s about seating arrangements or specific traditions.

Don’t Take Photographs Without Permission

While capturing memories can be tempting, taking photos in an Irish pub without asking for permission can be intrusive. Always ask the permission of both the staff and other patrons before snapping pictures. This respects their privacy and maintains a comfortable environment for everyone.


Irish pubs offer a unique blend of culture, community, and comfort. By adhering to the do’s and don’ts of Irish pub etiquette, you’ll ensure that you’re contributing positively to the atmosphere and enjoying the experience to its fullest. Remember, the key is to be respectful, friendly, and mindful of those around you.

Whether you’re a first-time visitor or a seasoned pub-goer, keeping these tips in mind will help you navigate the vibrant world of Irish pubs with ease and grace. Cheers to a memorable pub experience!

Author Bio: Emma Watson is a content marketer who works for Affiliate Marketing – Voucher and Coupon Codes Providing Platform. A writer by day and a reader by night; She is striving to make the most of the new opportunities that comes in his way and excels in everything she does.

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